Mt. Bethel Missionary Baptist Church: Life Beyond the Rubble
St. John A.M.E.: Brick by Brick
Oct 27-29, 2022
Reimagining Religious Freedom: Rights, Responsibilities, Respect
Join this power-packed virtual event hosted by Center for Faith, Justice, and Reconciliation in partnership with Union Presbyterian Seminary, Wake Forest University School of Divinity, National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), Vanderbilt Divinity School, First Amendment Museum, Shoulder to Shoulder, Starr King School for the Ministry, BJC - Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, and The Open Church of MD.
Registration will open on 9/15! Stay tuned for more information.
Find out about how we're creating a hub for a national conversation on public theology and racial justice.
Commit to eradicating racism and all its reciprocal forms.
Faith often plays a role in how we respond to current events. Religion speaks to many issues that are at the center of our public debates on contentious issues like racism. The work of Vanderbilt Divinity School Public Theology and Racial Justice Collaborative provides an opportunity to join our energy and commitment to eradicate racism and all its reciprocal forms of injustice and hatred. This is a particularly important moment in history to birth a collaborative such as this that seeks to be a hub for a national conversation on public theology and racial justice. By bringing together activists, scholars, and practitioners to engage students, faculty, and community members here at Vanderbilt, Nashville, and beyond we focus on the task of ending racism as much as we can in this generation so that future generations can take up this work and carry on.