Midnight in America

Hate is hate is hate is hate is hate is hate is hate is hate, it must be eradicated and called out by all deep Christians and our allies.  The despicable acts in Charlottesville, VA where White nationalists paraded their racist bile and neo-Nazi venom while police watched, our president sat near-mute,  the university president was saddened, and counterdemonstrators—a rainbow coalition of hope, resistance, and love spoke out with one being killed, nearly 20 others being injured when one of the bigots expressed his mutant rage at folks calling for a vibrant democracy to encircle us all by plowing into their wall of hope at Dodge Challenger speed while two troopers fell from the sky from their helicopter.

What we saw in Charlottesville was White supremacist racist hatred gone amok.  We saw a monumental failure of moral nerve and advocacy.  But we also saw hope and love and justice linked arm and arm and refusing to cede our democracy to demagogues and fear panhandlers.  We are all called to stand together and join the linked arms in Charlottesville in our cities and neighborhoods.  We are called to find constructive and effective responses to eradicate the racial hatred that is being given permission to shout and shimmy in our land. 

This is the work of the Collaborative.

emilie m. townes